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Rayalaseema University was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in 2008. The University has been offering UG, PG, M.Phil. and Professional programs for students pursuing Higher Education. The University hasabout 232 affiliated colleges and predominantly catering to the learning needs of the pupils in Karnool District with a unique goal for comprehensive development and growth of the underprivileged. The University campus also has various departments offering PG and Research Programs.All the programs conducted by the University are recognized by the UGC. Since its inception, the University has been growing strength by strength.

The core values of the University are,
i) Attain Excellence in Knowledge and Skill
ii) Draw inspiration from the University's ethos and develop a sense of accountability towards community, society and the nation at large
iii) Accept the global challenge and changing environment to offer high quality education and in a competitive manner
iv) Provide every opportunity to the key constituents-faculty, staff, students and the community to excel in their domain of expertise and contribute to every task with sincerity
v) Transition from the teacher centric focus to the learner centric approach

Rayalaseema University has been striving constantly to sustain and enhance its quality in teaching, research and extension activities. The Examinations of the University are conducted for the courses admitted on semester wise at the end of relevant semester. As part of the automation, the University endeavors the colleges and university departments directly to do online registration of newly admitted students; submission of examination application of the students along with online fee payments, make online entry of practical/internal marks etc. through this site and other interlinked sites.

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